Content Marketing Strategy
for Business Development

Content Marketing Strategy for Business Development

Few agencies can tell a story that educates, inspires or persuades like we can. In a crowded digital space, compelling content is essential for breaking through the noise and attracting a following. That’s why content marketing has become a critical aspect of business development in recent years. The greatest storytellers are grabbing the spotlight as well as coveted search engine real estate.

Content marketing involves the creation and distribution of content to attract prospects, affirm brand loyalty and gain recognition as an industry expert and thought leader. It’s fundamental to successful public relations, inbound marketing and search engine optimization, and more businesses are learning that the intern or cousin who studied literature in college is hardly qualified to drive a blog strategy.

Blogging to Boost Web Traffic & SEO

Content marketing is often associated with blogging ― and for good reason. Well-crafted blogs are easy to publish, soaked up by most audiences and provide excellent fodder for social media platforms. They can be integral to establishing companies or individuals as respected thought leaders. Yet your clients and prospects aren’t the only ones seeking out an educational and entertaining blog. Google is, too.

If you are serious about driving web traffic and rising in the search engine ranks, you need a blog. Plain and simple. Blogging ensures your website continually has fresh content, opens internal and external linking opportunities and enables you to better target long-tail keywords (the phrases people are searching online). You’ll rank higher, visitors will stay on your site longer, and you’ll benefit from greater brand awareness.

With that said, your content marketing shouldn’t be limited to blogging alone. Content can extend into other written and visual communications as well.

Content for Online Lead Generation

Content can play a deciding role in lead generation campaigns. Want someone to fill out a form? Opt into your newsletter? Sign up for a webinar? Accept a meeting? Prospects need a reason and incentive to act. Consider your downloadable content possibilities:

  • Whitepapers examining new trends your customers can capitalize on
  • Case study series highlighting quantifiable results and insights from overcoming business obstacles
  • Email drip campaign or infographic exploring steps in a complex process
  • Ebook showcasing a business leader’s unique approach to service

We can help you identify the right type of content to attract leads and the distribution channels to maximize impact.

Our Content Marketing Process

While superb writing is key, a holistic approach will yield the best results. Our process includes:

Nearly all Aker Ink clients integrate PR with some form of content marketing. Together, these tactics can powerfully tell any story and penetrate any audience.

Learn More About Content Marketing

Content marketing is an indispensable aspect of any marketing strategy. Our gifted communicators are always finding new, innovative ways to share your message, while staying in tune with industry updates and best practices.

We practice what we preach. Check out our blog to improve your marketing knowledge:

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