Videos pack social feeds on nearly every network – from decadent desserts and dance routines to breaking news and product demos. These days, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to stand out among the clutter. And with viewers’ attention spans shrinking, video content has to be eye-catching and quickly engaging to keep them from scrolling past it.

How do you create video content that captivates your audience? Get started with these tips.

Brainstorm a Variety of Engaging Angles

If you don’t think you have an opportunity to create valuable and compelling video content, think again. Chances are you already have numerous communications that can be repurposed into a short video that can add to or complement your existing efforts on social networks. These items can serve as starters:

  • Popular blog posts
  • White papers
  • Case studies
  • Presentations
  • Testimonials

If you don’t have these communications in your arsenal, consider capturing footage in the following places:

  • Trade shows
  • Client or team meetings
  • Office tours
  • Product or service demos

You can also create videos based on common questions or pain points that customers experience. Work with your sales or account management teams to identify these topics.

Keep it Short

Don’t be the company that posts 5-minute+ videos—get to the point, and do it quickly!

According to Hubspot, your videos should max out at 60 seconds on Facebook, 45 seconds on Twitter, and 30 seconds on Instagram. Why? Short videos allow users to check out the content and quickly decide to like or share it before moving on to the rest of their feed.

Even if you think your longer video is really captivating, chances are your followers will lose interest and continue scrolling. The social mediums are designed for quick hits over in-depth synopses. It’s important to adapt to the medium, rather than expect the medium to adapt to you.

Avoid Stock Images and Video

You want to catch your audience’s eye as they scroll through their news feed. Stock images and video won’t do that. They can appear inauthentic and won’t effectively communicate your brand’s personality. Shoot your own video or take original photos.

It can be an effective strategy to utilize a mix of amateur mobile videos – showcasing your presence at an event or a product/service in action – in combination with professional produced pieces for your company’s critical storytelling, such as “about” videos, case studies and in-depth product/service demos.

Have a Clear Call to Action

While the creative, visual aspects of your videos are important, the call-to-action in your video is equally, if not more, important.

What do you want viewers to do after they watch the video? Share it with friends? Visit your website for more information? Sign up for a webinar? Be sure to include clear, concise calls-to-action in the video and in the caption that accompanies the social video when you post it. Otherwise, your viewers are less likely to take any action at all, and may not engage with your video.

If you craft your social video strategy with these tips in mind, you’ll create videos that your audience will find valuable and engaging.