To promote acceptance and mitigate fallout, contentious issues like the COVID vaccine mandates need to be communicated to employees with additional care. No matter which side of the aisle one personally falls on, the reality is that mandates are here, and businesses face stiff penalties for noncompliance.
Faulty internal communication approaches ― even when well intentioned ― can lead to negativity and turnover in the workplace. To help employers navigate these potentially turbulent waters, Aker Ink CEO Andrea Aker teamed up with employment attorney Jill Chasson from Coppersmith Brockelman to co-author an article for the Phoenix Business Journal about how to effectively talk with employees about federal vaccine mandates.
Combining their communications and legal expertise, Andrea and Jill detail an approach rooted in education, empathy and neutrality. Read the article for a full breakdown of tips.
Andrea also notes any communications to employees can make their way onto social media or the public eye, so companies need to be thoughtful of how messaging will be perceived. For guidance on internal and external communication strategies, learn more about our suite of PR and marketing services.